Ziang (Danny) Tong



  1. Generative Models for UX Design

Building systems to provide inspirations for UI/UX designers by harnessing the power of generative machine learning models.

  1. Novel View Synthesis without Camera Position Prior

Leveraging implicit neural representation (INR) and neural radiance fields (NeRF) to construct novel views without the need for accurate camera position prior.

  1. Social Collaboration in VR

Investigated the nuanced way people engage in VR workspace, aiming to mitigate any sense of segregation experienced in the virtual environment.

Internship & Professional

  1. Amazon
    Seattle, WA

Proposed, refined, and built a data processing pipeline to reduce item duplicates within Amazon’s product catalog.

  1. Mendoza Enterprise Technology
    Notre Dame, IN

Supported faculty by resolving on-call IT cases and consolidating the college IT knowledge base.

Teaching & Volunteering

  1. University of Notre Dame
    Teaching Assistant, Peer Tutor

  2. TEALS Program | Microsoft Philanthropies
    Teaching Assistant

  3. Beijing Facilitators | Beijing Social Work Development Center


  • Machine Learning: Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Neural Networks, Data Science
  • Systems Design: Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Compilers and Language Design
  • Math Modeling: Introduction to Stochastic Modeling, Introduction to Operations Research, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis